アズールAzur Yumiko
2018年 | 第26回国際平和美術展/ジュネーブ(スイス、海外展)/広島(国内展) |
2019年 | 第27回国際平和美術展/ウィーン(オーストリア、海外展)/横浜(国内展) |
美と創造の巡礼展(スペイン) | |
2020年 | 第28回国際平和美術展/ビリニュス(リトアニア共和国、海外展)/京都(国内展) |
2021年 | 第29回国際平和美術展/ニューヨーク(アメリカ合衆国、海外展)/東京(国内展) |
MINERVA 2021/ロンドン(イギリス、海外展)/京都(国内展) | |
SALON ART SHOPPING PARIS 2021/パリ(フランス) 美と音楽の饗宴/ボン(ドイツ) New Directions in Japanese Art ~日本美術の新しい方向性~に作品が掲載される 「日本藝術の創跡」vol.26 に作品が掲載される 英国王立美術家協会会長 ニックデイビス氏と AzurYumikoの合同 作品集が発刊 | |
2022年 | 第27回 日本の美術 全国選抜作家展/東京 上野 |
第34回 平泉展(へいせんてん)/東京 六本木 | |
JAPAN TIDE 日本の潮流 National Museum of Singapore/シンガポール | |
AzurYumiko 個展/東京 | |
平泉展 選抜展/東京 上野 | |
MINERVA2022/ロンドン(イギリス) | |
Felice ~幸せな贈り物~展/東京 銀座 | |
2023年 | 日光東照宮 芸術清祓 第28回 日本の美術 全国選抜作家展/ 東京 上野 |
2024年 | MINERVA2023/京都/ロンドン(イギリス) Dieux-神々の世界展/東京 銀座 『Q』-日本美術家秀作選集- Selected Excellent Works of Japanese Artistsに 作品が掲載される 第29回 日本の美術 全国選抜作家展/ 東京 上野 小さな切り絵の物語2024展/ 東京 銀座 Dieux-神々の世界展/東京 銀座 MINERVA2024/ロンドン(イギリス) |
他グループ展多数出展 |
paper-cutting artist
Pastel Kirigami ArtDeveloper
Honorary member of the Royal Society of Artists
Born in Shibukawa City, Gunma Prefecture
Lives in Ebina City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Former Mental Health Social Worker
After the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, I volunteered to visit the affected areas and hold art workshops and art exhibitions.
At that time, I was struck by the smiles of the people affected by the disaster by drawing pictures and looking at them, and I wanted to convey hope through art, so I started drawing original art.
When I was working as an art teacher while raising my children, I was looking for art that could be easily drawn by anyone, even busy or clumsy people, and cherish their individuality, and I was inspired by a workshop on pastel and paper cutout art. Since 2016, he has registered pastel kirigami art (R) as a trademark. When we started the activity, the students were very happy and the harmony of smiles spread.
Since 2021, he has been teaching web correspondence courses, and his original art courses have been attended by more than 1,000 people so far.
Wanting to spread a warm world and peace through art, he has exhibited at many art exhibitions in Japan and abroad since 2018. We have also exhibited at art fairs in the basement of the Louvre Museum in France, the National Museum of Singapore, and art exhibitions held at Carnegie Hall in the United States.
An art school in Spain has approached us to show our work to students, and it has attracted the attention of art critics from overseas.
Scheduled to appear regularly on Kawasaki FM Art Radio (pseudonym) from April 2024.